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My Top 5 Takeaways from the Google IO event

Exciting times ahead...

The Google IO event, livestreamed yesterday, had me gripped from the start! Some amazing advancements are coming down the line, and I can’t wait to experience them first-hand.

Here are the top 5 things that I’m most excited about!

👓 Google Glass. I was so pleased to see the developments being made in the area of AR. These are going to make such a difference, especially in helping anyone with a disability. As someone with ADHD, I know this feature would help me enormously every single day by cutting down wasted time looking for lost items!

✉️ Gmail Inbox Management with AI. Google’s push towards automation in Gmail is going to revolutionise inbox management, invoice management, calendar management, you name it! Tools like this will make staying organised so much easier and will benefit all of us with client-facing businesses and processes. The feature summarising email chains might just be my favourite thing ever.

🕵🏻 Gemini AI Teammate. What could be more efficient than having a know-it-all AI teammate? To sift back through past meeting chats and find the one nugget of information you’re looking for, or answer the burning question you just can’t remember the answer to… I’ve never used Google Chat before but after seeing how this feature will work, I’m seriously thinking about making a switch.

✈️ Trip Planner. I’m really hoping this feature is going to be available in time for my trip to Barcelona this Summer. It’s going to take all the hassle out of trip planning and make sure I get the most out of every visit!

🚀 Project Astra. AI’s understanding of video and photo content and the application of that technology is going to be so useful in everyday life. The fact that it can answer real-time queries from video showcases just how far AI has come in such a short amount of time.

So, hard as it was to pick just 5, those were my most exciting takeaways from the event. Each of them is going to have massive benefits to me personally and professionally. Thanks Google!

If you didn’t catch the keynote, you can watch it here, I’d definitely recommend!

What did you think of the event? What are you most excited to see coming? And is anyone else considering switching to an Android phone after this?

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