Case Study

And this month's award for best UX Design goes to...AirBnB!

They say good UX is almost invisible...

A good UX design is so intuitive, well laid out and easy to navigate that it integrates seamlessly into your life, allowing you to interact with it almost subconsciously. This much is true…

However as a UX designer, I have a deep appreciation for good design when I see it, and it’s something I’m always on the lookout for. So when I recently started using AirBnB as a host, I was struck by how well designed their system is for hosts! Here’s why I think it’s so good…

  1. You can easily toggle between the hosting or travelling setting. The features in each section are divided up well and it allows me to keep the two areas of my life completely separate.
  2. The scheduled messaging feature is brilliant. Running my own business means that time is of the essence for me, so I’m a big fan of automation. Being able to template a host of messages that automatically deliver at the appropriate time is super helpful, and it makes the experience better for my guests as well.
  3. The calendar feature is so clear and easy to use, it makes managing the properties availability a piece of cake. It also has an array of additional settings like smart pricing, which allows me to set a minimum and maximum nightly price. This is another great automated feature that manages the price for me and takes away the heavy lifting of running it myself.
  4. Right from the first step, adding listings is very straightforward. Setting your property up to rent is smooth and easy, photos are managed and organised neatly, there’s a place for everything and everything is in its place.
  5. There’s a built in facility to create a guidebook, which has been a hit with guests! You can set up guidebooks for individual properties which link out to Google maps, making it super simple for your guests to see what’s in the local area! Top marks for customer-first thinking - AirBnB has catered for the users on both sides of the equation here!
  6. Lastly, the earnings page - which gives me peace of mind with it’s additional security: 2 factor authentication and a pin. It gives me a monthly breakdown of how much I’ve earned, number of guests, average nightly stay and estimates for future bookings.

All in all I’m giving AirBnB a big thumbs up for how easy and, dare I say it, enjoyable their system is to use! It’s a great example of UX that really has thought about their customers and their needs at every stage.

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